Monthly Promotions
Smooth-Glo dual treatment pkg of 3 get 1 free
Smooth Glo (Photo-Fractional) Tightens and rejuvenates your skin!
We use the Lumenis Stellar M22 combining both IPL and Resurfx (fractionated laser resurfacing) to renew and refresh the appearance of:
Fine lines and wrinkles,
Sun damage,
Active acne and post acne scarring,
Turn back the hands of time with our #1 package!
Take advantage of this special. You will receive three dual sessions + one free, that include both IPL and Resurfx.
Start glowing by summer: Purchase 3 get one treatment free!
IPL Skin Rejuvenation
With our state of the art, Lumenis M22 Stellar Laser. We can utilize IPL skin rejuvenation (Intense pulsed light), to target and alleviate the appearance of:
Stubborn vascularity's,
Skin discoloration,
Age spots,
Sun damage,
Acne related post inflammatory hyperpigmentation,
Acne related post inflammatory Erythema.
This treatment is 30-45 minutes and includes a complimentary consultation at the first appointment. A $2,000.00 value
Pre-Treatment Instructions
- Avoid sun exposure (apply sunscreen daily and do not tan at all—including self-tanner) for 4 to 6 weeks before and after treatments.
- Do not use any retinol products (or products containing tretinoin) or exfoliants on the area to be treated for one week. Avoid Accutane (or isotretinoin products) for 6 months prior. Let your doctor know if you have a history of Hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin in response to injury or infection).
- If you have a history of fever blisters, notify us. We may provide you with a prescription for prophylactic antiviral therapy to start on the day of the treatment to prevent a flare-up of cold sores. If you have a current prescription, Valtrex 500 mg should be taken by mouth twice daily on the day before, the day of, and the day after your treatment.
- You must notify the technician if you have had any cosmetic tattooing on or near the area to be treated.
- Photosensitizing medications including Doxycycline and Minocycline should be discontinued 3 days before the treatment.
- You may experience swelling under the eyes, especially if you have some rosacea in that area. Your sunspots will take 7 to 10 days to slough and will appear darker starting immediately after the treatment.
On the day of your appointment
- Come to your appointment with a clean face—remove all makeup from the area being treated. If applicable, dress so that you may modestly expose the treatment area.
Post-Treatment Instructions
- You may have a mild sunburn-like sensation following the treatment that is usually gone within a few hours. Skin redness is normal and may last a few days. There may be a slight amount of swelling. Cold compresses may be useful for the first 24 hours. Crusting or blistering is uncommon and not serious. Pigmented areas may begin to flake after a few days.
- Your skin will be fragile for 2 to 3 days. Use gentle cleansers (we recommend Zo Skin Health Balancing Cleansing Emulsion). Do not rub the skin and avoid hot water during this time. Do not use your Clarisonic or a loofah for one week or until the skin has recovered.
- Do not use any retinoids, tretinoins, alpha or beta hydroxy products, scrubs, or exfoliants, or have chemical peels performed on the areas treated for one week.
- Makeup can be applied immediately if the skin is not broken. We recommend mineral-based makeup.
- Avoid the sun and use sunblock. (We recommend Zo Skin Health Smart Tone SPF 50.) Avoid excessive heat or friction to the treated area (heavy exercise, saunas, etc.) for one week.
- Sun spots and age spots will DARKEN with the IPL treatments BEFORE they begin to respond and resolve. This is expected and a normal part of the IPL process. Do not pick these spots once they become dry. They will lift and fall off on their own.
OptiLight Complete Dry Eye Treatment (includes LipiFlow)
OptiLight Dry Eye/LipiFlow Procedure Pkg $2,500
(includes 4 OptiLight sessions & the LipiFlow procedure) a $4,200 value
OptiLight Dry Eye treatment uses Intense Pulsed Light therapy to kill bacteria, demodex mites, and rosacea which cause dry eyes.
After completing four OptiLight procedures we perform a LipiFlow procedure to help stimulate the rebuilding of the meibomian glands.
In return producing optimal oil production, repairing your normal tear chemistry and function.
OptiLight, what to Expect:
Before Your Treatment
Before your IPL treatment, you should avoid undergoing any skin-related treatments such as using Retinol. You will also want to discontinue using certain antibiotics and St. Johns Wort supplements as well if it is applicable to you.
Ask your eye doctor for more information about what supplements and medication to avoid before your treatment.
It is recommended that you avoid sun exposure and tanning beds before your appointment.
Also, you should ensure that you have waited a few weeks after any botox or cosmetic treatments with filler before attending your OptiLight appointment.
When you arrive for IPL treatment, you will first have to fill out a survey to determine skin type. Next, the treatment area will be cleansed if you are wearing makeup — it is not recommended to wear makeup, skin products, moisturizers, or sunscreen when arriving at your appointment.
During Your Treatment
This treatment is fast and simple. After cleaning the face, corneal shields are placed in the eyes, and a coupling gel is applied to the treatment area which allows proper light transmission to the skin.
As light is applied to the skin, you may experience a warm sensation. The treatment is gentle with minimum discomfort. The treatment itself will only take 15-20 minutes.
On a case by case basis, it may be necessary to follow an OptiLight treatment with meibomian gland expression. You will be carefully advised about your options for your personalized treatment plan.
After Your Treatment
After the conclusion of your appointment, you may notice the treatment area appears red for a few hours — this is normal, and lasting side effects are rare. After your fourth treatment session, a separate in-office gland expression will completely remove all oil debris from your glands.
Cameron Care Vision Membership
Cameron Care Vision Coverage Open Enrollment
No Vision Insurance? We have the perfect program for you!
We started this vision program specifically for patients who do not have Vision insurance but still need to have certain procedures done.
Cameron Care Membership Benefits
A Yearly comprehensive Eye exam
Retinal Imaging with Digital Retinal Biopsy (O.C.T)
Contact lens Evaluation included with addition Copay
Free Lasik Surgery Evaluations (Surgery done at a reduced rate)
up to $250 off a year supply of Acuvue Oasys 1-days (mfg rebates on contacts)
$35 copay for initial medical visit (in office procedures will have special program pricing)
Up to 20% discount on prescription lenses with anti-glare
20% off lens upgrades (Transitions, Polarization, Handmade Chemistre Magnetic Polarized clip-ons, thinner lens materials such as Trivex, Hi-index)
Blue Light Protection upgrade (included with our lens pkgs if requested or needed)
$50 Frame Allowance or 20% off
Free inhouse frame repair and frame inspections (some exclusions may apply)
Free unlimited adjustments
One free scratch-resistant lens upgrade
One Year Frame and Lens warranty (with co-pay)
Discount on Optilight dry eye package includes Lipiscan
10% off all laser aesthetic treatments
Come and Meet our happy staff, they want to help you meet your Eye care needs...
Join Cameron Care Today for only
$195 a year (per person)
Join Cameron Care Today and let us help you begin a lifetime of wellness, good health, and perfect Vision! Thank you for being our valued patient, we hope to continue to serve you in any way possible!
For more details or to join, call us today at 936.448.1200
Buy one SmoothGlo treatment get one free.
How does SmoothGlo work?
SmoothGlo consists of two parts, combining IPL Skin Rejuvenation and ResurFX
The procedure starts with the application of a topical numbing cream to help with any discomfort you may feel from the procedure. Then, the treatment area will be thoroughly cleansed and coated in a cold gel to help better transmit light and keep your skin cool.
Then, the first half of the procedure begins. The IPL device is used to treat hyperpigmentation via “photothermolysis” which is a special wavelength of light that’s used to coagulate brown and red pigment. Photothermolysis significantly minimizes these pigments and stimulates collagen production to help produce happier healthier skin. Following your procedure, the treatment area is cleansed gently with soap and water and dried completely.
The second half of the SmoothGlo procedure consists of ResurFX. ResurFX treats skin elasticity in addition to wrinkles by emitting fractionated laser light and delivering heat energy into the dermal layer. After the treatment, a cooling mist/cold roller will be applied to the treatment area for comfort and to keep it moisturized.
What are SmoothGlo treatments for?
The SmoothGlo procedure can be used to treat a variety of skin ailments. Because SmoothGlo uses an IPL device, this procedure can be used to treat lesions, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation. Meanwhile, the ResurFX laser portion of the procedure helps to tighten and rejuvenate your skin while improving the natural production of collagen and elastin. The end result is youthful and fresh feeling skin with an even glow that everyone will be talking about!
1 year Medspa Membership (Cameron Optical Eyecare IPL & Laser Aesthetics)
Buy a membership to our Medspa (Cameron Optical Eyecare IPL & Laser Aesthetics) for $195 a year!
Save thousands off your skincare IPL, Trilift, Laser Needling, and Micro Needling package purchases!
*free skincare sessions with package purchases
*free promotional items (like bags & T-Shirts) from ZO skin care
*free products from ZO Skin care
*Huge discounts on sunglasses
*free Promotional items from our Optical just for showing up to your prepaid sessions!
*Memberships are only $195 a year and guarantees you continual locked in package pricing! Even after the promotions end!
*So bring your friends and family so they can get the membership pricing and we will waive your membership fee for the year if they become a member and purchase a skin care package!
*More to come! We are just getting started!
So Join Now!
Offer Expires October 29, 2023
If your membership expires the promotion expires with it.
A new membership will need to be purchased and pricing will only be renewed at new member package promotion pricing.
So be sure to renew! #lumenis #triliftbylumenis #triliftbeliever
TriLift Non-Surgical Facelift (5 Full Face and Neck Sessions)
How does the triLift system work?
The triLift system has three elements: 1) The skin’s dermal layer is heated with TriPollar RF to regenerate collagen and elastin. 2) The muscles of the face are strengthened by Dynamic Muscle Stimulation (DMSt). 3) Finally, the facial complexion is smoothed and tightened through the application of triFX RF microneedling skin resurfacing.
What is Dynamic Muscle Stimulation?
DMSt uses electrical currents to tone facial muscles. It’s a bit like giving the muscles around your mouth – the ones you use to smile – a workout! When the DMSt system makes your facial muscles expand and contract (exercise!), they become stronger and your facial expressions are enhanced.
How do the three elements of the triLift system work together?
Each element of the system is intended to positively impact an element of healthy skin that can change as we age. According to Lumenis, the triLift system has been found to produce an average of 80 percent improvement in skin smoothing, 30 percent improvement in wrinkle reduction, and the production of three times as much hyaluronic acid (which contributes to smooth, supple skin).
Quick Facts:
Concerns Addressed: Sagging facial muscle tone, facial wrinkles, loss of volume in the face (particularly the cheeks).
Ideal Treatment For: Patients seeking an effective non-surgical facelift option.
How To Prepare For Treatment: Scheduling an exam with one of our medspa professionals.
Treatment Length: The muscle activation provided by triLift’s Dynamic Muscle Stimulation (DMSt) process only takes 20-30 minutes per treatment to provide amazing results.
Recovery Time: Little or no downtime. Patients can resume their busy schedules within minutes of a triLift treatment.
Results Seen: Although a typical triLift regimen consists of four to six treatments, you will see results after the very first treatment!
Retreatments Necessary: Your medspa professional can discuss the appropriate triLift retreatment interval for your skin concerns.